TMCH & DPML for online brand protection

Over 1000 new domain extensions (gTLDs) have been introduced. Trademark owners can now market their brands using keyword domains that highlight their industry. This expansion of the domain world brings the need for robust online brand protection. Trademark protection is provided by the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) and the Domains Protected Marks List (DPML).

TMCH registrar services

TMCH & DPML for online brand protection - Trademark Clearinghouse

The Trademark Clearinghouse is a database of verified trademarks. Created by ICANN as part of the new gTLD programme, it provides online brand protection to intellectual property owners. This means that your brand is protected against online infringement. Each new domain extension opens with a Sunrise/Trademark holders period. If you want to register the domain name matching your trademark, you'll need to have your trademark registered with the TMCH.

Trademark Clearinghouse services

TMCH & DPML for online brand protection - Sunrise/Trademark holders period

Sunrise/Trademark holders

Each new domain extension will launch with a Sunrise registration period. Trademark holders registered with the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) will gain exclusive access to this period and be able to register the domain name matching their brand.

TMCH & DPML for online brand protection - Trademark Claims Service

Trademark Claims service

In General Availability, anyone trying to register a domain name matching a TMCH registered trademark will receive an alert email. If the email is ignored and registration continued, the TMCH will contact the trademark holder so action can be taken.

Why choose the EuroDNS TMCH platform?

We’ve built upon the TMCH platform to offer advanced online brand protection. Our platform continues to monitor the new domain extensions, after the TMCH alerts end. This means your brand protection is ongoing. You'll have a dedicated account manager to help submit your trademark to the TMCH. We'll register your brand during the Sunrise registration period. Once a domain becomes generally available, protection of your brand will continue.

Trademark ClearinghouseEuroDNS
Application check, prior to submission
Monitoring contentious registrations
Data check upon renewal
Sunrise period, launch notifications
Dedicated account manager
"Proof of use" management
Personal trademark alert (in dev.)
Automatic renewal (in dev.)
Centralised SMD (Signed Mark Data)
Domain registration and management

How to register with the Trademark Clearinghouse

As an accredited TMCH agent, we’ll help you with the registration of your trademark with the Trademark Clearinghouse. Once registered, you’ll receive an SMD or authentication key. This proves you’re registered with the TMCH. Then you can register the matching domain name with any of the new domain extensions, before they become available to the public. You can check out the prices for the activation of your trademark records below. Here’s more SMD information if you need it!

1 Year€ 177.000%
Registration/Renewal3 Years€ 515.073%
5 Years€ 840.755%
1 Year€ 10.000%
Additional labels3 Years€ 29.103%
5 Years€ 47.505%

Find out how we can protect your brand

Chat with your account manager about TMCH and how we can protect your business

+352 263 725 250

Domains Protected Marks List (DPML)

The Domains Protected Marks List (DPML) is a rights protection mechanism working with the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH). It provides brand owners with a means of protecting their trademark; including terms and phrases that contain their trademark. This protection works on all domain extensions from registries employing the DPML system.

Domains Protected Marks List services

TMCH & DPML for online brand protection - More than just trademark protection

More than just trademark protection

Using a DPML block protects terms/phrases that include the Trademark Clearinghouse registered trademark.

TMCH & DPML for online brand protection - Zero maintenance

Zero maintenance

A one-time purchase protects for a pre-set period, and can then be renewed. A DPML blocked domain cannot be live on the Internet.


What domains can I block with the DPML?

The DPML works by blocking trademark related terms from registration. If you register trademark ‘ABCD’ with the Trademark Clearinghouse, you can buy a DPML block for ‘123ABCD’. This is because it contains your trademark in its original form. You can buy as many blocks as you like, the only requirement being that the trademark is not broken up.

  • DPML will block these because the trademark is unbroken: 123ABCD, 12ABCD34, ABCDCCCC
  • DPML will NOT block these because the trademark is broken: A1B2C3D, AB222CD

Do I have to register my trademark with the Trademark Clearinghouse to use DPML protection?

Yes, trademarks must be registered with the TMCH and remain current. If the trademark registration expires, the DPML protection will end.

How do I sign-up for DPML blocking?

Brand owners will have to submit an exact match of their trademark, or a phrase containing the mark. They must also provide a Signed Mark Data file (SMD) which comes from the TMCH and is proof of registration. We’ve got more SMD information on our help site!

How quickly does DPML protection kick in?

A DPML block starts once a trademark has been added to the list.

What happens if a domain name has already been registered that contains my trademark/term?

If a DPML block is bought for a trademark/term that’s in a domain name already registered, the domain name won’t be blocked. If the domain name registration expires, the DPML block will be enforced automatically. This will prevent the name being registered.

Is there a character limitation?

Terms submitted to the DPML must contain more than two characters. Three character terms are only allowed if they’re an exact match of the trademark.

Once I’m registered, does the DPML block all domains containing my mark/term?

  • Premium/high priced domain names – There are domain names that ICANN has asked registries to reserve. These higher priced/premium domains can’t be blocked by the DPML.
  • Matching SMD file and trademark – There are rare occasions when identical trademarks exist in the TMCH, with matching SMD files. It's possible for one of the trademark holders to register a domain name containing the mark, even when there’s a DPML block.

Can I find out who has the DPML block?

You can see who owns a DPML block by checking the WHOIS directory.

What’s an override?

A DPML blocked domain name can be unblocked. It can then be registered by a trademark owner registered with the TMCH. It can also be unblocked by the holder of the DPML block. Whoever performs the override must have the valid SMD file issued by the TMCH for the domain name.

Ask about DPML online brand protection

+352 263 725 250